
taken 28/10/10

Saturday, 31 July 2010

Heart (SPS1)

I usually enjoy walking on cemeteries, but I usually go by myself. However, the very few times I have gone in the company of someone, I love playing cemetery games. You know, we play whomever has the most famous people buried to his side or whoever finds the oldest grave, or the oddest of that sorts. They really amuse me, but I guess some people might find them bleak. I have a very bleak sense of humour, apparently.

Is it really that bleak...?

I drink so much fucking coffee and tea, I do not know what I would do should I be made to stop drinking is a really serious addiction, but I love it...And I finally bought my Jazmine tea!
Besides, five cups of coffee a day is not that much, is it?

As promised, today is my first Saturday Poem Society post. I will share with you the poems I have been writing, I don't know...some three or four years ago? Hopefully you will find them least.(I'm not sure if they are in chronological order, but they are numbered.)

Saturday Poem Society's first poem:

07-Jan-2008 18:51

A heart-shaped
underground map
of realization;
did you take the
same turns I did?
I follow my way
through arteries,
just to get to you...
As the heat seeps
through my skin,
I wait and watch
clouds pass,
reliving the lives
and lies I've told,
which now make
up my past.
The turns and
twists the blood
lead me gently
on my way,
pass the bones
and ribs and
you will be mine
one day...

Feel free to post any comments or critiques, they will be much appreciated.


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