
taken 28/10/10

Wednesday, 28 July 2010

I knew he was not going to come...

I waited for him the whole recess. He did not appear, again. As I knew he would.

I have to be honest, I expected at least an explanation...You know, a short sms telling me he was busy with something and he was sorry, that he would let me know when he would be coming back...


I know I am being utterly ridiculous for letting a matter of this sort, which I am sure, would seem petty to most, eclipse every other thing that has been going on with my life, but the thing is, there is not much more going on in my life besides him...

I don't know if I'm expressing myself correctly, so let me use someone elses' words here:

"I don't have much in my life, but take it, it's yours"
Unloveable-The Smiths

There...that's better. As I said, I would go as far as to give my life for his, and that is exactly why those five words and his silent absence are wounding me so badly.

*I know you probably haven't even noticed, you selfish, egotistical, self-centered motherefucker.

Watching a Covergirl add earlier today, I thought about whomever makes the dubbing for all the foreign countries... for all we know, it could be a worn-out, overweight, single 45 year old woman, speaking through the perfect mouth of Drew Barrimore. She must feel so miserable, so fake...I know I would. But there are so many things we are being mislead with, besides this particular case...

It is becoming harder and harder to tell the truth from the lies.

*Note: I noticed I did not explain the name of my blog on my first post...silly me...
It means "From Ashes to Ashes", in Latin. Just, you know, in case someone was curious...


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